As a full classification, this has been practiced since the beginning of time in various forms. Currently available common carriers include Ringslings, Woven wraps, and Soft Structured carriers in many forms. We will go through various brands and types of carriers you may want to look into here.
Specializing in Ringslings and Soft structured Carriers of many styles, there are sure to be patterns and a fit perfect for you and your partner! Also offering soft blankets, swaddle solutions, and many other incredible accessories! Also offering Fancy Signature line of individually hand crafted carriers from unique handwoven fabric!
Baby Tula
Woven wraps have a little more of a practice and learning curve, but once you are comfortable wrapping in various ways, you have so many options! Even tandem carrying for very experienced wrappers. Woven wraps are different from the stretchy wraps commonly recommended for babies (and woven wraps are more breathable)
Alight Handwovens Woven wraps
Many soft structured carriers and styles as well as accessories are available from this well recognized brand
Another Specific fit customizable soft structured carrier you can get a spot to convert your favorite fabric or handwoven with this fantastic company!
A specialized fit soft structured carrier you can customize with your own fabric through a custom slot. Handmade individually and specialized.
Blue Hibou
With many options for custom carriers, 2Lambie offers ocahs, Mei Dei’s , Onbuhimos, and others as well as accessories and bags!
After choosing the carriers that are right for you, we encourage you to join facebook groups to help and encourage the closeness with your baby! These groups are also fantastic for fit checks, comfort help, and other options you may find you like for various outings, or indoor cuddles!
They are also great for learning about bump wrapping, taking some of that weight off your spine during the last trimester!